New York Stories

Two legends of New York's downtown, Philip Glass and John Zorn, bring stylistically divergent visions of the city: a rollicking, romantic ride through a maze of patterns in Glass' epic String Quartet No. 5, and a peek into the catacombs in Manhattan's Upper West Side from John Zorn who brings medieval mystery to contemporary America with Remedy of a Fortune. Caleb Burhans leads the listener in a healing ritual of absolution in Contritus, while Caroline Shaw pays homage to the father of the string quartet, Josef Haydn, in her Entr'acte. Morton Feldman reminds us of the pattern and structure all around us. New York: a city of Byzantine systems and countless ideas that defies tidy summary, but always fascinates and excites continued exploration.

New York is our artistic home, and we are continually inspired by the composers we work with here and the breadth of their inventiveness.
— John, viola
Sample Program: New York Stories Duration
Morton Feldman: Structures (1951) 3
Caleb Burhans: Contritus (2010) 15
Philip Glass: String quartet no. 5 (1991) 22
Caroline Shaw: Entr'acte (2011) 12
John Zorn: Remedy of Fortune (2016) 16
Total Run Time 68'

This sample program can be revised in collaboration between JACK and the presenting venue.